Sunday, January 9, 2011

snow day, part 2

11:00pm - andy arrives, having braved the treacherous roadways, heart beating rapidly.  he needs a beer to calm himself down.

we know that hannah has boarded her plane (yay!).  mike measures the snowfall - 4 inches on the patio.  the 11 o'clock local news shows that I-75/85 through atlanta is blocked - all lanes, both directions.  we are really happy that our friends are safely here.

12:00am - the snow has turned to sleet, say andy and mike who have ventured outside to frolic about.  we continue to follow hannah's flight on flight tracker, and after taxiing (read: sitting in the plane on the tarmac) for two hours, her flight departs - HOORAY!  i'm going to guess, honestly, that she's on one of the last planes to leave atlanta tonight, as conditions outside are not good.

energy level is low, so i order a pyramid.  and it's a pretty damn good one.

we start a game of "apples to apples," and begin day 2 of being snowed in.

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