Thursday, February 17, 2011

i am my mother, example #3

i wanted to read some books really badly.  but i didn't want to buy them.  so i had the library reserve them for me.  THIS IS GENIUS.  my mom has done this all my life - she always has her name on the list at the library for lots of different books.  how am i just now figuring out that this is a good idea???

one book is really popular right now (it is a young adult book, so i won't embarrass myself by listing it here just yet), so i had to get on the waiting list.  i am #28 currently, but there are 39 copies "in the system" (my county had 15 library branches), so hopefully it won't take me long to get it.  and you can monitor where you are on the list by logging on to the library's website.  the other book lives at a library that isn't MY branch of the library, so my library will get it from the other library for me.  and then the books will be waiting for me.  GENIUS.

and the library is free.  i mean seriously, people.  TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!!

AND my library is right next door to a yummy frozen yogurt place.  can we say "frozen yogurt consumption is about to go up exponentially"?


  1. My guess is a Hunger Games book. Ain't no shame in YA fiction!

  2. Woo, I am totally behind on your blog, but just read this post and decided it was time to leave a book suggestion comment...but Nora already beat me to it. Definitely read those books. Also, I totally own the online hold and inter-library loan requests in the Fairfax Country system. No shame at all.
