Friday, June 22, 2012

i've arrived!  i got into london at about 11am british time (i'll be changing the time stamp on the blog to reflect the time when i'm actually writing), and made my way through border control with no problem.  unless, by "problem," you mean i was forced to hear a 5 minute lecture from the border control guard about why the us invaded iraq and libya, but isn't getting involved in syria.  tip for better living: when asked, don't say you teach us government - pick ANY OTHER SUBJECT.  ugh.  sorry, dude.  i agree with your concerns but i can't do anything about them.

i made my way to my friend vin's apartment, where i internetted and ate and napped and read my book and showered, and when vin gets home we're going out to dinner because, yes, i'm hungry again.

let me tell you though, that i had the best international flight OF MY LIFE.  i went into it with a new attitude - who cares how much i actually sleep - i can sleep at vin's when i arrive!  i watched my week with marilyn, which entertained me.  i read almost half of room, which is also entertaining me.  i ate a delish meal.*  then i (professional move!!) put in my earplugs and proceeded to actually sleep for most of the rest of the flight.  i'd say i got about 4 hours of sleep, but compared to some of my past experiences this is a miracle.

thoughts on earplugs before this year's AP reading: eww they feel weird and don't help too much.
thoughts on earplugs during this year's AP reading: why yes, if you're offering i will take some.  um...i am so much less distracted!  i can focus!  the sound of people coughing and chairs scraping isn't grating on my nerves while i grade for 8 hours a day!
thoughts on earplugs during this flight: perhaps they will drown out the background noise of the plane.  omg they are!  now i will sleep.

in short, i am an earplugs convert.

*i have learned not to request a vegetarian meal on international flights.  it is always the overcooked, overly cheesy pasta dish that is an option for the rest of the plane - they just deliver yours first so they don't run out.  order the ASIAN vegetarian meal.  the flight attendant confirmed my belief that it is the best meal that delta makes.  i had: sautéed spinach, rice, and curried tofu.  a gingery carrot and cucumber salad.  fruit.  and then normal things like cheese and crackers.  it was actually delicious.  i am full of tips today, people.  listen up!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you've arrived safe and sound, dear one! I hope you have an amazing time across the pond:)
