Thursday, May 13, 2010

fraud prevention

apparently if you purchase some clothes online (something you never do) and then 15 minutes later purchase an airline ticket from london to edinburgh, your credit card company (wachovia) will freak out and call you to make sure your card hasn't been compromised.

the automated service that called me did give me the warm fuzzies because i knew that someone was looking out for me.  and yes, wachovia, those charges were from me.  I'M GOING TO SCOTLAND!

1 comment:

  1. Same thing happend to us, except that we did not purchase clothes online before attempting to purchase a ticket on Air Lingus. The story we got was that "homeland security" was somehow involved in regulations relating to online purchases from other countries. However, Becky then used her card without a problem. I love how you fell into the credit card company's trap: they are doing this to protect you. Bull! They are doing it to protect themselves because they are liable for unauthorized use of their cards, not you. They are inconveniencing you and making you think it is for your benefit. (When did this turn into a rant?)
