Friday, May 7, 2010

i am my mother: example #2

i mean, really.  I AM BECOMING MY MOTHER.  it is clearer and clearer every day.  this morning i couldn't get any more lotion out of the bottle, but i knew there was more hiding at the bottom.  i cut the bottle in half and slid the top half over the bottom so the pump could reach the lotion at the bottom.  BECAUSE I AM MY MOTHER.  if you go into the bathroom at my parents' house in mcgrady i can pretty much guarantee that there is a bottle sitting like this on the counter.  except it wouldn't be oil of olay.  it would be jergens.

when i was younger i thought this looked ridiculous.  now i just don't care.  i need that lotion.  I PAID FOR THAT LOTION.

1 comment:

  1. It would NOT be jergens-probably dove, or maybe a no-name brand-You know me well...

    And right now, I do NOT have any bottle cut in half-but any day now...
