Sunday, May 16, 2010

"nice comeback for the drill"

back story: as in most ballparks, at braves' baseball games there are little games between innings to keep the fans interested - guess which cap the ball is under after it gets scrambled around on the big screen, answer braves trivia questions, etc.  my favorite game, which used to be played on the big screen, is now played live!  by real people in costumes!  the game is the tool race (sponsored by home depot): four tools race in the outfield, and people in the stands can pick a tool to cheer for.  the four tools are the paintbrush, hammer, drill, and saw.  i typically choose the hammer.

here's a picture i found online so you can see the cute tools:


i'm watching the braves game on tv this afternoon and they come back from commercial and show the tool race before the first player comes up to bat.  what ensued was hilarious.  many thanks to tivo for allowing me to rewind to get the exact wording:

commentator #1: "what's this all about with this drill thing?  look at the brush just [paintbrush pushes the drill over and runs past] - every day they just pick on the poor guy. i wanna wear the drill thing - [as they cross the finish line the drill has caught back up and jump-kicks the paintbrush, causing both to fall over] oh, a little drop kick there - i love it - nice comeback for the drill - but i wanna wear the drill outfit one day, just surprise the other costumes.  is the same people all the time or do they let people go out there to run it?"
commentator #2: "i think it's the same ones - but it's the same result every day!  when's the drill bit gonna have somebody fight for him?  so predictable.  BULLIES."

i laughed a lot.  i love these commentators - these grown men - being so incensed by the injustice they see when the drill is targeted by the paintbrush every game.

and the braves are up 9-1.  so life is just good all around.


  1. I love this! I'll be sure to cheer for the drill the first chance I get:)

  2. yesssss! the drill is the ultimate underdog story. we all have to cheer for him now!

  3. I love those races. At the Nats ballpark, it's the four presidents from Mount Rushmore! And Teddy's always the underdog.

  4. um, LOVE that the nationals have presidents who run around. and obvi teddy's the underdog. LOVE IT. hahaha...

  5. See this link for some awesome pics of the (better-than-the-tools) racing Presidents at Nats Park:

    Best thing about going to a Nats game until Strasburg debuts tomorrow night!
