Monday, May 3, 2010


last night a good friend - my first friend - from mcgrady who now lives in seattle texted me to say that he had a layover in atlanta, and would i want to meet him at the airport and have dinner?  so we did, and it was so nice to catch up.  this is us when we were little.  joe is exactly 11 months older than me (i remember thinking that this was SO COOL when i was little - november 7th and december 7th!), which i will blame for the reason that i'm chock full of baby fat in this picture and he is not.

in this picture i am thinking, "blowing bubbles is AWESOME.  but you have to try really hard not to drop the bubble container."  i also remember that blowing bubbles sometimes meant you got soap in your mouth and that was about the worst thing ever.

in the course of our conversation over dinner last night, catching up on work and family and life, i said to him, "i forgot about the rockin' scar on your forehead - is that from when you fell off the trampoline or when you got cut on that rusty metal?"  it was the rusty metal, he said - roofing or siding or something.  we were little - in elementary school.  it's special to have had a friend for that long, to remember him getting a cool scar.  even if the GETTING of the cool scar wasn't exactly fun for him.  he says he remembers holding a kitchen pot under his head and letting the blood drip into it on the way to the hospital to get stitches.  he's tough.

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