Friday, May 14, 2010


the humidity level in my office right now is approximately 99%.  like, i can feel the moisture in the air.  I AM NOT AMUSED.  is something wrong with the air conditioning?  my hair is starting to curl AND I AM INDOORS.

i love the south; i just require the humidity level to be under 80%.  is that too much to ask??  i will relax  my humidity standards in one month only: august.  august is the worst month to live in the south.  we all know it, so just make it as bad as you want.

when does summer officially start?  my calendar tells me that it is june 21.  laughable.  the calendar has not been to georgia.  i will label this post "summer" with reckless disregard for the calendar.


  1. My room is ridiculously steamy as well! I've had the air on all day, but no relief... Silly southern states!

  2. anonymous, i require you to make up a pseudonym! if willis can have one, so can you.

    over and out.
